For the past few days I have been feeling tremendous pain, I asked Brother Vance for a blessing last night. He brought over the rest of the bishopric and I received a blessing. Today has been a much better day. I'm not getting that break-through pain I had been feeling for days. I really appreciate everyones prayers and faith in my behalf, Thank you. Also thanks to those whom have provided meals for me and my family.
The procedures that were done were:
Chest wall hernia repair; Bronchoscopy; Mediastinoscopy. I didn't know what this was so I googled it: Mediastinoscopy is a surgical procedure that allows physicians to view areas of the mediastinum, the cavity behind the sternum (breastbone) that lies between the lungs. The organs in the mediastinum include the heart and its vessels, the lymph nodes, trachea, esophagus, and thymus.
I will add a picture of my side. ouch!!
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