If I remember correctly, I came down with what I thought was a cold on Monday February 9th 2010. I remember because I was glad that I wasn't sick on a Sunday since they are so busy for me. I finally went to the Doctor for the first time on March 3rd 2010. they told me that I had pneumonia and started me on some oral antibiotics. I still felt quite ill and rundown about 3 to 4 weeks later with a very bad cough so on March 26th I went back to the doctor and he gave me an inhaler and more oral antibiotics (2nd Round). It seems that I would feel a little better while on the medicine, but as soon as I was off of them for a couple days, I would feel terrible again. I went back to the doctor for the 3rd time on April 7th for my (3rd round) of oral antibiotics. during all this time I had a very bad cough that wouldn't seem to go away. It was at this time that the doctor ordered the first chest x-ray. It showed fluidic masses in my right lung, which confirmed pneumonia. about 3 weeks later, after still not feeling better, I went back to the doctor on April 27th 2010. After getting a shot of antibiotics in the "end" (4th Round) the doctor ordered another chest x-ray to see if the lungs were getting better. that's when they found a large solid mass in the middle of the right lung. The doctor ordered a CT Scan on April 29th the results were that they found 2 masses in my right lung. One in the middle, that the x-ray showed, and another sitting in my right lung next to my aorta. Although they didn't tell me about it until I went in for the next test. On May 4th I had a Bronchoscopy Brush biopsy of the mass in the middle of my lung and Dr. Farrukh has ordered a PET Scan for tomorrow, May 11th 2010.
So that hopefully brings everyone up to date with what is happening in my life. I hope that this is accurate, It is according to my memory, and we all know how bad that is!
Yes, I am still Bishop (selfishly, I need the blessings). I hope that everyone knows how much I appreciate your prayers in my behalf. I don't yet know of the results of the biopsy, but, after calling the nurse at Dr. Farrukh's office and bugging her everyday since Thursday, they told me that I would get the results after the PET Scan results come in. It is hard to wait. I guess I get to learn a whole new level of patience?! I will try to keep this blog up to date the best I can.
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