Monday, May 24, 2010

Catching up...

We had a great time celebrating my dad's birthday on Saturday. All of us got to watch a movie as a family. Also we had a wonderful family dinner. We just got to spend the whole day together! All of us were happy that we were able to celebrate his birthday! He even got some birthday presents to open. The healing process is continuing and my dad is making great process. If only he wasn't in so much pain! Thank you to everyone who has brought us meals. We are very greatful!

Friday, May 21, 2010

My little unfriend...

Just had a visit at Doctor Farruhk's office and he thinks he figured out how my little unfriend entered my lungs. I will be going in for a sleep test in about a week to verify if I have sleep apnea. What the doctor thinks is that with my acid reflex I am aspirating stomach content into my lungs when I sleep at night. The infection built up around it which created the mass that was removed. If I get on a C-pap machine hopefully this will not happen again. We are so very greatful to everyone who has brought us meals which have been very tasty. We love you and thank you to those who have helped with the yardwork. Hopefully I will be back on my feet soon!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Taking it easy...

We are all happy to have my daddy back home. He is doing all that he can to recover as fast as he can. He gets to have the easy life!! He has people waiting on him hand and foot!! He also has a ton of time to catch up on Star Trek Voyager! Just kidding though, he has to excercise, do his breathing excercises, and do everything else he can to get back on his feet. We are all there to help him with anything he needs. He is still joking around with us and making us all laugh, just when we need it! My dad is the bravest man I know!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

He's HOME!!!!

To catch up, we went to the hospital yesterday to visit my dad. He was, and still is in intentse pain yet he still cracked jokes with us. One of the things he was joking about was he had to get an epideral for his surgery. He said that he had his first baby but my mom wouldn't let him take it home in a bottle!!! That made us all laugh and smile!! He is home now!!! We are all happy and excited to have our dad back home!! We hope that he will be able to heal and feel better soon!!! Thanks again to everyone who has checked up on us and taken us dinners!! We really appreciate it!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

YAY!! He is out of ICU!

Good news!! My dad was finally moved out of the ICU. His nausea has finally lessened so they were able to move him to a normal room. With luck, he will be able to come home tomorrow morning.
Thank you all again for helping our family out. We appreciate it so much!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

The process begins...

Now the process of getting better begins! My dad is resting now but he is in the ICU. The anesthesia has made him very sick. He might be in there all day. Hopefully he can still come home in the 2 days the doctor was talking about.
Please continue to keep him in your prayers. Thank you all so very much for what you have done for our family. We are very grateful to all of you who have been there with us, and the help you have given us.

Friday, May 14, 2010

No Cancer!!!

Good News! My dad doesn't have cancer!! He went into surgery at 2:25. My mom called at 5:00 and told us that the results came in. His surgery went well!! That wasn't an easy surgery. The doctor said it would be very painful! Anyways, they figured out that the mass they removed wasn't a tumor. It was just a massive infection from his pneumonia. They got it all out. He will probably be in the hospital for 2 days. Then it will take 2-4 weeks to recover from his surgery.
We thank you all for the prayers in his behalf. I am sure they all played a big part in my dad's surgery going well!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

AAARRRGG!!! Surgery

Today I received a call from Dr. Karwande's office. They had just received the test results from Dr. Farrukh. The nurse said that the Doctor wanted to see me right away... I said right now? She said yes. So I left work and headed straight to his office. When I got there he told me that the tumor next to my heart wasn't a tumor at all?! It is an inflamed lymph node and he is not concerned about that one. (What a difference a day makes) The one that he is worried about is the one that I was told was OK. He said they could only get a few cells to biopsy, and he is worried about all the other cells. Especially since the PET scan lit it up the way it did. So he wants to remove the mass and send it to pathology to have it tested while I stay under in surgery. If it is non-cancerous they will button me up, if it is cancerous they will do a lobectomy and remove the upper lobe of my lung as well as all the lymph nodes in my chest.
I'm hoping for the first option.
The surgery is scheduled for tomorrow (14 May 2010) at 2:00 PM.
I'm am so very grateful for every ones support through this difficult time!! Thanks for the meals that have been brought in, we have enjoyed them very much. I'm very grateful for the prayers and fasting and faith that has kept me and my family strong. I Love all of you.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Another Doctor

I just received a call from Dr. Farrukh's office. They are referring me to a cardiologist. I need to meet with him to find out all the details. From what I was told over the phone The tumor in the middle of my right lung in not malignant... yea!!! The tumor by my heart, according to the PET Scan, is concerning the doctor. that is why he is referring me to a thoracic cardiologist.
I am so very grateful for everyones prayers and faith in my behalf, you don't know how much that means to me.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Today I had a PET Scan done, As President Jones says... "The good news is you will have medical evidence that you DO have both a brain and a heart!"
They told me that I will be radioactive until about dinner time so if it is anything like the Hulk my kids better not make me mad!!

They told me that the results will take a couple of days, so I will keep everyone posted.

Monday, May 10, 2010

...So it begins...

Well let me see if I can catch up on all that has happened in the past 3 months.

If I remember correctly, I came down with what I thought was a cold on Monday February 9th 2010. I remember because I was glad that I wasn't sick on a Sunday since they are so busy for me. I finally went to the Doctor for the first time on March 3rd 2010. they told me that I had pneumonia and started me on some oral antibiotics. I still felt quite ill and rundown about 3 to 4 weeks later with a very bad cough so on March 26th I went back to the doctor and he gave me an inhaler and more oral antibiotics (2nd Round). It seems that I would feel a little better while on the medicine, but as soon as I was off of them for a couple days, I would feel terrible again. I went back to the doctor for the 3rd time on April 7th for my (3rd round) of oral antibiotics. during all this time I had a very bad cough that wouldn't seem to go away. It was at this time that the doctor ordered the first chest x-ray. It showed fluidic masses in my right lung, which confirmed pneumonia. about 3 weeks later, after still not feeling better, I went back to the doctor on April 27th 2010. After getting a shot of antibiotics in the "end" (4th Round) the doctor ordered another chest x-ray to see if the lungs were getting better. that's when they found a large solid mass in the middle of the right lung. The doctor ordered a CT Scan on April 29th the results were that they found 2 masses in my right lung. One in the middle, that the x-ray showed, and another sitting in my right lung next to my aorta. Although they didn't tell me about it until I went in for the next test. On May 4th I had a Bronchoscopy Brush biopsy of the mass in the middle of my lung and Dr. Farrukh has ordered a PET Scan for tomorrow, May 11th 2010.

So that hopefully brings everyone up to date with what is happening in my life. I hope that this is accurate, It is according to my memory, and we all know how bad that is!

Yes, I am still Bishop (selfishly, I need the blessings). I hope that everyone knows how much I appreciate your prayers in my behalf. I don't yet know of the results of the biopsy, but, after calling the nurse at Dr. Farrukh's office and bugging her everyday since Thursday, they told me that I would get the results after the PET Scan results come in. It is hard to wait. I guess I get to learn a whole new level of patience?! I will try to keep this blog up to date the best I can.