Sunday, August 29, 2010


It is hard to believe that only three and a half weeks ago I had major surgery. I must be getting impatient to heal, but have to realize it was major surgery and it takes time to get better. For the past three or four days the region above my incision has been very painful. It used to be very numb due to the trauma to the nerves from the surgery. Now as the numbness goes away it has become very painful. I get a pins and needles type of pain that is very hard to control. It makes it difficult to sleep. The incision itself is healing nicely, although I will have a pretty big scar. I want to get back to work but think I will have to wait a couple more days to be sure that I don't strain the muscles in my chest and cause more damage. At least the "Leaking" has stopped.

I'm very grateful to all who have kept me in their prayers.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Well, I went to both my lung specialist as well as my surgeon on Tuesday and the surgeon told me that all the "leaking" is probably an old large blood clot that is finally breaking up and coming out. I don't like all the drainage but I guess I can deal with it until it is finished. I didn't get any sleep on Monday night because I literally had to change my dressing every twenty to thirty minutes. I got to bed around 4:00 am. (long night) Also on the 18th I was up from one-thirty to four as well trying to contain it. Needless to say I am pretty tired.

I am doing much better with the pain, and my incisions seem to be healing well. I'm hoping that the drainage will ease up and then I can possibly get on with life...

Monday, August 16, 2010


Well, since yesterday morning I have been bleeding, off an on, out of the chest tube drain incision. This morning when it started I went to the doctors. They told me that I probably have a pocket of blood and fluid in my chest cavity that has to come out. It has been quite a bit of drainage, I can fill a paper towel in just a couple of minutes. It's really kind of gross.

Hopefully three rolls of paper towels will do it.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Better Day

For the past few days I have been feeling tremendous pain, I asked Brother Vance for a blessing last night. He brought over the rest of the bishopric and I received a blessing. Today has been a much better day. I'm not getting that break-through pain I had been feeling for days. I really appreciate everyones prayers and faith in my behalf, Thank you. Also thanks to those whom have provided meals for me and my family.

The procedures that were done were:
Chest wall hernia repair; Bronchoscopy; Mediastinoscopy. I didn't know what this was so I googled it: Mediastinoscopy is a surgical procedure that allows physicians to view areas of the mediastinum, the cavity behind the sternum (breastbone) that lies between the lungs. The organs in the mediastinum include the heart and its vessels, the lymph nodes, trachea, esophagus, and thymus.

I will add a picture of my side. ouch!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Dad is doing his best to get better. He is getting up and walking farther and farther each day. He is resting when he needs to, and taking the right medicines that are helping him recover. He is back to teasing us kids, and brightening up our home! I am glad that he is giving his best efforts to make a full recovery, and get back on his feet as soon as he can.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


My dad was able to come home yesterday night! Now he just needs to manage all the pain he is in, and start recovering. Thanks for the dinners again, and thanks for all the prayers in his behalf. Please continue to keep praying for him.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Out of ICU!

My daddy is doing a little bit better today, they got to take him out of ICU. We are all glad that he was able to get moved out of ICU. The medicine he is taking for the pain makes him very sick, and he is not able to keep food down yet. He is feeling very dizzy. He will at least be in the hospital for another day, maybe more. It all depends on when he starts feeling a little better, and when he is able to gain strength and eat. Thanks for your prayers in his behalf! We really appreciate it!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Out of Surgery

My dad's surgery went well, and he is now in the ICU. They were able to do everything they needed to, to fix him up. Thanks for all the prayers in my dads behalf for the surgery to go well! I know that played a big part. PLease continue to keep him in your prayers, for a speedy recovery.